Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Beautiful Black Woman Scorned

Her eyes are filled with darkness........

Darkness reflecting pain, hurt and deception...

At this point there is no reconciliation ....

For her spirit is already weakened...........

You can see it in her aura without her even speaking..

Her baggage is at a ton............

Consideration of others she gives none......

She is another Beautiful Black Woman scorned...

Scorned from her past....

Partly from the men or shall I say boys that did'nt last..............

Once a young lady with a heart of a child looking for a father in the ones who's minds and intentions were quite farther.........

Than being her King or her Knight in Shining Armour....

Quite far fetched from being her friend...

They saw this woman with the body of a Goddess yet a mind of a child ...naive.... and unknowing... that was quite modest....

Now men tend to wonder...why is this Beautiful Black Woman eyes full of darkness??.............

Darkness from the Fear.....

Darkness from her internal perception that she has played the fool.....

Looked at as what should only be called a garden tool?

Eventhough she feels she was worked...worked....and worked in that dark soil until they found a new tool for there garden...

And this garden was was apparently not a secret garden....................

This is the garden that they showcase and share with many..

In hopes that plenty tools work the garden to their expectations.............

And once one tool has dug enough and gets boring an predictable with all that simplicity they throw that HOE away.....

There is nothing like a new Hoe.....!...............

New and curious of the abilities or just wondering what tricks will this new Hoe bring to their garden even with the fact that they know all Hoes have the same basic abilities.....

Forget the sunlight the garden needs

The water that it requires to nourish and grow ......

All they want at the time is garden attended to with a new Hoe....

Since really why would he want this to grow.. ??~

Why whould he want any blossoming to show.....??~

Not from the results of this Hoe....

And we ask ourselves why is this woman eyes filled with darkness.....

Why will she not give anyone a chance??..~~

Why is the thought of loving a man the farthest consideration and tucked in the back of her mind..?

Beauty on the exterior.......

Beautiful as the sun...but never had a ray of light to

shine on.....

Because when you see this Beautiful Black Woman....

When you want to speak your name and ask her own in return .....

She sees a man that merely wants her to temporarily work in your garden...

She seen the deceptive smile......

She has heard the broken promises......

Love does not exist it is a fairytale of what is thought as a mistful joke .......

At least in her world ......

So do you still ask why this Beautiful Black Woman Scorned eyes are full of Raging Darkness????

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Light at the End Of The Tunnel.....

I got up this morning with the realization that I had another opportunity for growth!! I know I probably should have these feelings every morning when I wake, but today was slightly different. Not sure if it was the rainy weather that tends to put me in a "thinking" mood or if it is time for me to work harder to get to that light at the end of the tunnel.
Alot of people really don't consider what a blessing it is to still be able to search for that light sometimes so much that they stop searching. What else is life without searching and without discovering and learning? I believe it would be like breathing the "Living" peoples air and just waiting to die. We all have so much potential to do so many things and being able to have another day on earth is proof that we are capable! Capable to grow and not "Live" is existing in the shadows of "Fear" ........... Fear to Love...Live ...Grow... and Flow.
Love...what is Love? Is it really a chemical imbalance in the brain? Or is it one of the greatest feelings a human could feel .... a positive & beautiful emotion from God !!! This has always been a questioned asked to me more than anything else and honestly we all are entitled to our own opinion. I will say that I do continue stay optimistic about "Love" because it goes so well beyond heartache from someone you once or maybe still "Love". As I always say "Love" is a natural emotion that I believe is a blessing are not taught to "Love" you are taught how to protect your heart to prevent feeling the pain heartache. We "Love" our children, parents and friends naturally and should always keep a positive attitude never regret "Love" because it was not "Love" that hurt you!! Always keep that in mind. I said earlier what is the point of breathing if you are not living? I would add that it could be like being in a dark room with the capabitility to hear a pin drop from the silience and non activity! Sounds pretty bad; however there are so many of us in that situation (living the life of repetition) whats wrong with looking at "Life" as an adventure. So many things to many things to experience and we tend to accept what makes us comfortable...We should look at "Life" as a big piece of knowledge and with it we should try to learn as much things about it as we can ......
Grow............ I believe that there are different stages of manhood and womanhood some of us grow and improve from this while others tend to not change one bit by not even willing to recognize it when it is right in front of us. Growing has alot to do with the will to succeed whether it is being a better mother/father, sister/brother, a better career, home, car....lets keep ambition to be a better YOU!!
FLOW..................this is so important because alot of us do not succeed in obtaining the things I've said above mainly because of the inability to "Flow". Life has its up and downs and without that strength of "Flow" you will find yourself ultimately weak. Some of us can be guilty of keeping our mind in a state where you have felt pain, regret, resentment and fear. Learning the gift of "Flow" will change all of this. Change of "Perception" means potential strength to "Perfection"..... Going with the Flow is the root of getting that "Light at the End of the Tunnel"!!!!!!!!!!!!!